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Why Choose Haik Bokhchalian & Associates

Is your listing stagnating on the market? Here are just a few ways I can freshen it up:

We Understand Every Aspect of Real Estate
Haik Bokhchalian and Associates have cultivated decades of combined experience bringing sterling service to clients just like you. Real estate is so much more than buying and selling homes and we treat the full process with the respect and attention to detail it deserves. Our team’s real estate expertise is further reinforced by our individual experiences; we number a licensed attorney, lender specializing in hard money loans, and construction specialist among our team members, not to mention our group lead is consistently the top producing agent in our brokerage.

No One Knows Your Neighborhood Like We Do
To know where you’re going, you need to really understand where you are. We love this city and have studied every nuance of its diverse housing markets. When it comes time to strategize a game plan, you can rely on us using state-of-the-art technology and good old fashioned experience to highlight your neighborhood’s selling points, noting how they fit into current and predicted market trends.

We Target Our Marketing Approach
No matter what anyone tells you, homes don’t sell themselves. Not even in this market. That’s why we’ll utilize a comprehensive marketing plan that takes advantage of contemporary tools like social media and email blasts to beam your home to our hungry network of buyers. We’ll also use the old school methods that still work like postcards and open houses. Expect a constant barrage of media, all precision-crafted by our team of experts to sell your home.

We’ll Never Leave You in the Dark
We excel at keeping you informed of even the most minute changes. In most cases, we’ll answer your questions before you even know you have them. But if you do have any questions, we’re always easily accessible so you won’t be left wondering. You’ll be looped into every strategic nuance with our trademark transparency.

Your Home is Special and We Know It
Every property is unique and therefore demands an equally unique strategy. We take the time to customize our approach based on your home’s strengths and even its weaknesses. After assessing what sets your property apart, we tap into our vast reservoir of buyers and seek new ones who are looking to invest in a home just like yours.

You’re Getting More Than An Agent
When you work with us, you’re not just getting an agent or even a team. You’re getting an army of experts. The six-member team of Haik Bokhchalian and Associates is supported by a staff of marketing experts, legal counsel, coordinators, designers, photographers, videographers, and agent assistants all working toward one common goal: selling your home.

We’ve Got a One-Track Mind
Despite our diversity, we’re single-minded when it comes to selling your home. Our approach may be creative, but everything we do feeds back into getting your home off the market as quickly as possible at the highest price.

You Don’t Have to Take Our Word For It
We feel like our work speaks for itself, but if you still aren’t sold, we’d be happy to put you in touch with clients who have worked with us before. And we mean clients just like you who had homes languishing on the market before coming to us. We turned things around for them. Let them tell you how we’ll turn things around for you too.

Christina Malyan
REALTOR® | DRE #02163645
Cell: 818.522.6621
Why Christina as YOUR REALTOR!


Christina Malyan

Christina Malyan

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 02163645
Direct - 818.522.6621, Office - 818.246.1099

Contact Christina Today!